Getting started


Before we work on the details specific to our competition, we will do some basic configuration of Division Result Bridge itself. The exact steps vary depending which result source is selected. We first chose the result source early in the competition creation process. If we have since changed our minds, we can head to the Compatibility menu, and then choose a different option under Result Source. We can always change it again later without losing any configuration data.

The main program interface with the <span class="named">Compatibility</span> menu open, showing the different options under <span class="named">Result Source</span>.
Result Source options under the Compatibility menu.

Common for all result sources, however, is the need for a working directory. Let's head to the Update Results pane, where we will find a field labeled Working Directory. This field contains the path to a directory to which Division Result Bridge will write logs and a variety of temporary files. We can change it with the ... button. Any writable location will do, though it can be nice to keep it close to other event files. No matter the chosen directory, we must ensure it isn't used for anything else — existing files in the working directory may be overwritten.

The main program interface with the <span class="named">Working Directory</span> field in the <span class="named">Update Results</span> pane highlighted.
The Working Directory field in the Update Results pane.

MeOS + Divisionsmatchberegning

When the result source is set to MeOS + Divisionsmatchberegning, the Result Source pane appears with two fields.

The main program interface using the <span class="named">MeOS + Divisionsmatchberegning</span> result source. The <span class="named">Result Source</span> pane highlighted.
The Result Source pane when using the MeOS + Divisionsmatchberegning option.

The first field specifies the path to the Divisionsmatchberegning executable, which Division Result Bridge needs in order to run it from the command line. We can set the path by pressing the ... button, then navigating to Divisionsmatch.exe in the file dialog.

The second field holds the address on which MeOS' information server will be accessed. To start the information server, we open our competition in MeOS, navigate to the Services tab, and select Information Server. The default address suggested by Division Result Bridge corresponds to the default information server settings in MeOS when both are running on the same computer.

The <span class="named">Information Server</span> feature in MeOS' <span class="named">Services</span> tab.
The Information Server feature in MeOS' Services tab.

Once the information server is started, we can verify the connection with the Test button. The result should show up in the log.

Example log output after the connection to MeOS' information server has been verified successfully.
Example log output after the connection to MeOS' information server has been verified successfully.


When the result source is set to Divisionsmatchberegning, the Result Source pane is hidden. We can safely move on to the next page of this guide.

The main program interface using the <span class="named">Divisionsmatchberegning</span> result source. The <span class="named">Result Source</span> pane highlighted.
The Result Source pane is absent when using the Divisionsmatchberegning option.

IOF XML file + Divisionsmatchberegning

When the result source is set to IOF XML file + Divisionsmatchberegning, the Result Source pane appears with two fields.

The main program interface using the <span class="named">IOF XML file + Divisionsmatchberegning</span> result source. The <span class="named">Result Source</span> pane highlighted.
The Result Source pane when using the IOF XML file + Divisionsmatchberegning option.

The first field specifies the path to the Divisionsmatchberegning executable, which Division Result Bridge needs in order to run it from the command line. We can set the path by pressing the ... button, then navigating to Divisionsmatch.exe in the file dialog.

The second field holds the path to the IOF XML 3.0 result file, to which our timing software of choice is expected to write new results at regular intervals. Division Result Bridge will update the online results whenever it detects a change to this file. We can set the path by pressing the ... button, then navigating to the IOF XML 3.0 result file in the file dialog.